In his debut story collection, poet Wayde Compton explores concepts of place and identity through...
A poignant multi-voiced novel about the troubled yet noble lives of urban warriors living in low-...
Welcome to Sub Rosa: not for the faint of heart.
'A memoir of transformation and self-discovery that explores fetish communities from a gender div...
From Lambda Literary Award winner Larissa Lai: a long poem full of rage, love, and despair seekin...
A provocative book by an acclaimed writer-filmmaker that combines memoir and media as seen throug...
Erstverkaufstag: 22.04.2025
An urgent and compelling graphic memoir about a Pakistani investigative journalist at odds with h...
Erstverkaufstag: 13.05.2025
An incendiary anti-capitalist response to climate change rooted in hope for the future, this book...
Erstverkaufstag: 15.04.2025
Ferocious and vulnerable poems about redefining acts of creation, destruction, deconstruction, an...
Erstverkaufstag: 08.04.2025
A debut poetry collection about reconciling with oneself and learning to love, through a youthful...
Erstverkaufstag: 01.04.2025
Amber Dawn's latest poetry collection flaunts the chronically pained body as a source of lewd fem...
Erstverkaufstag: 29.04.2025
The poignant and very human drama of a 1914 maritime disaster that claimed the lives of more pass...