Duncan MacLeod, member of an age-old race of immortal beings, is in Paris helping a friend organi...
Peter Neff is a poet, an artist, and a young man with Down syndrome. But above all, he is a beaut...
If ever we should gain a true perspective on life, surely it would involve God's pathway of knowl...
Real issues. Real life. Real problems. But when you look to Jesus, you'll find real solutions. Th...
Battling the Dragon: A Prophetic Guide to Survival in the Last Days outlines the spiritual battle...
HOVENSA, formerly known as the Hess Oil Refinery, the Hess Oil Virgin Islands Corporation (HOVIC)...
The author feels that this says it all: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy...
Lord I Believe is an inspiring in-depth reflection of one man's search to live by faith alone in ...
I have often found myself chasing this treasure of memories. I recently traveled to a place I liv...
Hide-chan entered a world of turmoil when he was born in Japan in 1944. World War II was in full ...
Lord, how am I ever going to find her? Will cried out in anguish. Why is this happening to me? Ho...