In a dreamlike setting, this surreal book explores the interaction and emotions of a man, his wif...
Are you an expert on music from the 1960s through to the present day, whilst stopping off at Moto...
A drunken old farmer is murdered and Swansea police detective Harry Lambert is unable to discover...
Do you want a joke for every situation? Are you sure you're prepared for the moment when your aud...
It is 1979 in Romania, Eastern Europe - a bad year in the heavy-footed, deadly communist era unde...
How much do you know about the three books that make up the Hunger Games series? Prove your knowl...
The Relationship Manifesto is a must-read for anyone in, out of, or looking for a relationship. I...
When ayoung woman living an innocent life on a farm in the American Midwest is thrown into a wo...
This is the story of how, and why, Emma Cantons stayed with her husbandAnthony after she discov...
The Luton Writers' Group was born out of a question: Are there still writers out there or has Lut...
The magical world of Harry Potter and his friends (and enemies!) is one that is host to a wealth ...
In which year was the Atari Lynx released? To which character are Pikmin sidekicks? Who was on th...