If asked to list important inventors, few remember to include Alessandro Volta. Yet, his is a hou...
A boy, weak of body, became a pillar of strength.As the first century approached, a sickly boy wa...
Her passion became her reality.Children were her life, and God's messenger Mother Frances X. Cabr...
Born with an inquisitive imagination…Brilliant inventor, electrical engineer, and wise en...
Discovering a new continent, he changed the map of the earth and the course of civilization&helli...
A toast to the man who changed how America drinks …Enduring an unspeakable nightmare and a...
The story of a dreamer…Envisioning a socio-economic utopia, A. P. Giannini was not a typic...
His loyalty lasted a lifetime…Surgeon, merchant, vintner, and writer Filippo Mazzei influe...
More than a painter…Renowned artist Leonardo da Vinci was the greatest genius to ever con...
His greatest accomplishment came after his greatest disappointment. One of the founding fathers o...
Entering the world with a burning desire for knowledge, Thomas Aquinas set out on a quest for tru...
The rule of power in Europe is changing...Born in Italy at the tumultuous end of France's in...