In the heart of Chicago, a city torn apart by violence and despair, four unlikely companions find...
'Coffee Shop Ministries' represents about twenty-five short stories about every day people often ...
In 1985, eight-year-old Jamarcus Bridge has dreams where he encounters aliens. Sadly, he falls in...
When Jake was four years old, his life turned upside-down. One morning he woke up to his mother s...
'Countdown to Greatness' C2G is designed to ignite and re-ignite an individual's awareness of the...
Artists in San Miguel and Other Stories is a collection of short stories where animals are the ma...
Now that his light has returned from Earth, Scar Amun now faces the seemingly difficult task of g...
The Quilt. Grandma McIntyre collected worthless pieces of cloth, cut them to the sizes she needed...
The Quilt. Grandma McIntyre collected worthless pieces of cloth, cut them to the sizes she needed...
The Acorn and the Oak Tree was written to offer comfort to my granddaughter. The loss of her 'Gra...
The Acorn and the Oak Tree was written to offer comfort to my granddaughter. The loss of her 'Gra...
This book is a true document of issues that follow a child after being abused, it covers a life s...