Young Timmy Barnes and his friends, Anna and Glen, find themselves lost in a vast forest. Luckily...
World famous scientist Dr. Peter Barnes has been kidnapped and forced to open a portal to another...
Ten-year-old Timmy Barnes, his friend Anna, and Bear Company, five armored guardians disguised as...
Bear Company, five stuffed bears-turned-armored protectors, is escorting a young boy named Timmy ...
Wolf Squad, the rowdy bunch from the Dark Corps, has parted ways from Bear Company and their miss...
Did you know that somewhere around your home is a magical place? It's a place where nature lives,...
Ever since the beginning, Timmy Barnes has had the protection of his five armored guardians, Bear...
Reunited with the armored toy warriors of Bear Company, Ten-year-old Timmy Barnes and his friend ...
Timmy Barnes and his five armored friends of Bear Company have certainly been in some strange and...
While a dangerous battle with the Dark raged on, Timmy Barnes and Bear Company escaped in the nig...
Book Nine of the Dark Corps Adventure!After getting new upgrades and leaving the desert, Timmy ...
Timmy Barnes, his best friend Anna, and the five members of Bear Company have reached their tough...