This novel, first published in 1907, brings to life Robin's experience and that of her colleagues...
Mornings in Florence is a tour of one of the world's most beautiful cities by John Ruskin.John ...
H G wells wrote both fiction and non-fiction. He worked in many genres including novels, history,...
Sara Teasdale (1884-1933) was an American lyrical poet.In 1913 Teasdale fell in love with poet ...
Collection of 64 sketches of Chicago written by the author in 1921-1922 in a daily column for The...
A Description of Millenium Hall And the Country Adjacent Together with the Characters of the Inha...
The place of origin of the Tlavatli or 2nd sub-race was an island off the west coast of Atlantis....
Rough draughts of some of the following tales and essays were actually written during a residence...
Henry Bergson was a major French philosopher in the early 1900's. This lecture was delivered in 1...
George MacDonald (1824-1905) was a Scottish author, poet and Christian minister. He is best known...