A fascinating insight into the life of Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Britain's longest reign...
An engaging biography of Madame Curie's life written for younger readers, The Radium Woman by Ele...
This volume contains a collection of essays and excerpts on the famous American poet and influent...
This early work is Louisa May Alcott's 1863 collection of historical sketches, 'Hospital Sketches...
An engaging biography of Madame Curie's life written for younger readers, The Radium Woman by Ele...
This early work by Eliza F. Pollard was originally published in the early 20th century and we are...
Edith Louisa Cavell (1865¿1915) was a British nurse, humanitarian and spy famous for saving the l...
This compelling autobiography narrates the story of immigration rights activist Mary Antin, and h...
This early work is Louisa May Alcott's 1863 collection of historical sketches, 'Hospital Sketches...
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) was an English social reformer, statistician, and pioneer of mod...
Extraordinary Nurses Throughout History is a fascinating collection that includes insightful writ...
An insightful volume featuring the memoirs of Emmeline Pankhurst, the founder of the UK suffraget...