This theatrical Christmas murder, truly lost in the British Library collection, will provide ente...
Also known by its American title The Crooked Wreath, this classic mystery novel from 1947 is load...
First published in 1952, London Particular was Brand's favourite among her own books, and it rema...
The first outing for R. Austin Freeman in the series is one of hisfinest books, first published...
Undeterred, the formidable French detective embarks on a thrilling race to discover the truth in ...
First published in 1956, Brand's classic novel skewers the package holiday experience while unrav...
First published in 1936 and adapted for the screen as The Lady Vanishes by Alfred Hitchcock in 19...
As the prospect of driving back across Kent amid falling bombs detains the inspector for the nigh...
When Henry Merrivale arrives to piece together what appears to be an impossible crime, Carr treat...
'The horror on the train, great though it may turn out to be, will not compare with the horror th...
First published in 1944, Murder After Christmas is a lively riot of murder, mince pies and misdir...
A novel pairing dark humour and intelligent detection work, this 1932 'whowasdunin?' mystery is a...