This fourth installment of the Spencer Manning Mystery series focuses on the famous Riverview Amu...
It is 1993 and Ashley Cooper, in his fiftieth year, loves his work at a prestigious law firm, dea...
In 1993, arriving in Moscow the day after Mitchell's first novel The Hidden One ended in Paris, A...
A cast of magnetic characters share this little piece of paradise in chaotic harmony, with one ch...
Turn on, tune in, and ride along in the front car of the rollercoaster life of Ted Myers, as he c...
The Syrian is a powerful contemporary novel of passion and betrayal, set against the brutal and b...
Twisting Trails is a unique young adult novel about two teenagers from different cultures who mee...
At an early age, Maria knew she was different. Born in the middle of the Bible belt, her supernat...
Of all the prominent musicians born in Bohemia in the eighteenth century, none is surrounded with...
John C. Donahue was considered a brilliant but difficult artistic genius in American theater in t...
A brazen daylight kidnapping of a Supreme Court Justice at term's end to keep him from being the ...
Ryan Connelly, nearing 40, returns to the small Minnesota town where he grew up, hoping to reconn...