Short Summary: Every day, a dark cloud descends upon Clara's town, erasing everyone's memories. E...
Erstverkaufstag: 06.05.2025
Bootlegging is Stella's ticket out of the Dust Bowl and into Hollywood, and she won't let her sis...
Erstverkaufstag: 01.04.2025
'Original, hilarious, and completely inspirational.' --Hank Phillippi Ryan, USA Today bestselling...
Erstverkaufstag: 15.04.2025
Short Summary: In 1930s Italy, a woman must battle sinister forces threatening her life and sanit...
Erstverkaufstag: 04.03.2025
You can't change the past. Or at least, you shouldn't.
Erstverkaufstag: 25.03.2025
Short Summary: Thrown aboard humanity's first intergalactic commerce vessel, untrained tag-along ...
Erstverkaufstag: 25.02.2025
Short Summary: A high school football player has recurring prophetic dreams of the murder of a ho...
Erstverkaufstag: 11.02.2025
Short Summary: Retired diplomat Sam Hough makes a promise to a dying friend, to find his five-yea...
Erstverkaufstag: 18.02.2025
'[A] moody and entertaining fantasy debut . . .' --Publishers Weekly, on They Met in a Tavern
Erstverkaufstag: 29.04.2025
Short Summary: When Riley Svenson returns to her rural hometown, she must clear her brother of a ...
Erstverkaufstag: 11.02.2025
Short Summary: The hidden society of Angolin is discovered by a dangerous enemy bent on conquest....
Erstverkaufstag: 22.04.2025
Short Summary: When Liv and her friends find old boxes of psychic predictions written to the Prem...