An unforgettable thriller that delves deep into a world of violence, terror and hidden conflictWi...
Everyone knows about the Cambridge Spies from the Fifties, identified and broken up after passing...
#### 'Immersive story, sublime storytelling... top-class' Andrea Mara, author of *No One Saw a Th...
A moving tale of love and revenge set under a baking Tuscan sunPoppy Brookes receives a troubling...
The first in a thrilling new historical fantasy series; Odysseus must embrace his secret heritage...
A forbidden love torn between 1950s Britain and GreeceCathy Kotsikas is as unsettled as anyone in...
Odysseus's greatest challenge is only just beginningThe armies of Troy have been defeated and the...
The greatest battle needs the greatest of warriorsThe siege of Troy is in its ninth year. But Tro...
The thrilling final instalment of the epic and bestselling Adventures of OdysseusOdysseus has bee...
Only the determination of one man can bring victoryThe Trojan War has been raging for ten years. ...
The first in the epic series of war and legendsGreece is in turmoil, divided by feuding kingdoms ...
War is coming - and nothing can stop it…Settled in his small island kingdom, Odysseus want...