The Unenchanted Princess tells the tale of a princess born without an enchantement in a magic lan...
When King Harald sets off on his pilgrimage of atonement, Marriette is made Regent, much to her d...
Ten year old Justine has lived with the loss of her mother for two years. Even while she misses h...
Eager to start fresh, Leigh accepts a teaching job in the remote northern community of Spruce Bay...
Sparkles and Blood is a collection of four of my horror novellas, including a never before publis...
The Heronmaster is the second collection of Alex McGilvery's stories. They include the title stor...
The Frog Prince, Snow White, and Cinderella; everyone is familiar with these stories, but not the...
Calliope is an artist who works for her explorer father recording what he brings back from his jo...
They've never gone on a quest. They've never done anything that wasn't in The Book. God appears ...
Princess Annuetta is bored, but then she's always bored. She lives a boring life in a boring King...
A white moose, seen as a spirit animal by the Cree is shot. The hunters are murdered, then the hu...
Zombies aren't real. Maybe for ants,but not for humans.Pranthi makes her living with hercamera ...