Callum McInnis dreamed of one day returning to the sea to fulfil his boyhood desire of becoming a...
Sprung from the modest roots of a crofter's life, Miss Mary Wright dreamt of being an actress ...
Miss Rose Wilkinson has a secret. One she daren't allow anyone to uncover.She and her twin sister...
The damsel that saved herself...Desperate to be free of her fear and a living purgatory, Miss Vio...
The spy that lost hope...Missing from duty with the Secret Service and captured by the enemy, Mr....
Miss Annabel Bradley refuses to accept life as a spinster. Her many years of pouring greedily ove...
The heartbroken heroine...Lady Bridget Mason is hopelessly in love with her best friend, Major Ch...
Lady Katherine Mason is the average gentlewoman. Or is she? Since early girlhood, Lady Katherine ...
Lady Emaline Mason has dedicated her life to the rescuing and healing of animals. She has no expe...
Unwilling to be sold as brood mare in an arranged marriage, Lady Juliana Sinclair decides her own...