A mysterious race from an alternate universe has allied itself with the Jotunn, and the alliance ...
Lieutenant Commander Shawn 'Calvin' Hobbs has saved Seattle, traveled to the stars and forged new...
Do you have a book in your head?Statistics show that 81% of people hav...
The war with the Shaitans continues, and Lieutenant Commander Shawn 'Calvin' Hobbs has stayed beh...
Analysts have long predicted that China would go to war to reintegrate the province of Taiwan. It...
Lieutenant Commander Shawn 'Calvin' Hobbs and his special forces platoon just returned from a thr...
The Drakuls have found the Solar System!A merciless race, there is nothing left once the Draku...
**Gold Medal Winner of the 2016 eLit Book Award in the Military category!** The Chinese Have C...
The war with China was over and Lieutenant Shawn 'Calvin' Hobbs just wanted his life to get back ...
How do you train people to become better leaders? Almost 200,000 books exist on the topic, and Am...