Hearing rumors of his daughter Diane's extraordinary beauty, the charming but profligate comte de...
'Help the women.' Caught in a storm and weakened by fasting, Robert of Arbrissel hears these simp...
Mateo Xavier Manuel Rodriguez Aguerra-Veracruz, known to everyone as Penco (slang for 'orphan') i...
A traumatized American living on a kibbutz is drawn to a stray dog. An artist meets her lover dur...
Her years as a novice hardly prepared the plain and pious Juliana de Charnais to become the wife ...
Agnes Demers is a young Métis woman who grew up playing hockey, skating with the neighborhood kid...
The last thing Gebirga of Flanders remembers seeing is the argument between her parents that ende...
Determined to find meaningful work, recently widowed Sarah Laforge arrives in Zaire to take up he...
Mary Godwin is a teenager with a formidable pedigree. Both of her parents are philosophers but it...
In this lively retelling of the infamous Diamond Necklace Affair, the daughter of a bastard branc...
After Marie O'Dea dies in a plane crash in the Everglades, her husband David Lenihan returns to D...
Once a boy player in Shakespeare's company, Sander Cooke is now a hired man playing female roles....