This book is a seminal work on the Dhatupatha of Panini, Roots of the Sanskrit Language. It conta...
This book is a seminal work on the Dhatupatha of Panini, Roots of the Sanskrit Language. It conta...
This book gives all the 1943 Roots in correct Panini order with Accents (Anudata, Udata and Svari...
The Dhatupatha of Panini gives 1943 dhatus. These are the building blocks of Sanskrit, known as t...
The key to proper grasp of Sanskrit Grammar, especially the formation of Verbs from Roots, lies i...
The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali are a fundamental text on the practice of Integrated Living, Atta...
Mundaka Upanishad is from the Gopatha-Brahmana of the Atharva Veda. Whereas its Samhita portion s...
This book explores the beauty of Sanskrit Grammar by delving into the math like precision, quantu...
Prashna Upanishad is attributed to sage Pippalada and is in the Gopatha Brahmana of the Atharva V...
Aitareya is one of the earliest Upanishads and is attributed to sage Mahidasa Aitareya. It consis...
We have recently become aware of the importance of Yoga in daily life, nay as an integral dinacha...
Our Vedas eulogize the Sun, and there are many hymns in praise of the Surya Devata. Especially, t...