Titan, a handsome adult tiger, lives in a country called Tibet. Titan can time travel backward or...
Follow the life of a young boy, Jack, as he survives the Crystal Desert and grows up on the Rumal...
Redemption is the continuation of the life of Jack. A young boy of 8 years of age who was forced ...
The Chosen One is the completion of the story of Jack and Linda. The long struggle that they have...
This nonfiction book is about committing sin too ones maximum potential, without any thought of G...
Businesswoman is a story about success and talented women. This story is based on the success of ...
Born in the gold mining hot bed of Tarkwa, Ghana, T. P. Manus Ulzen is the oldest of 5 children. ...
Dona M. Davis, M.Ed. is a certified Life Coach, best selling published author and former special ...
What distinguishes humans from animals is their ability to internalize an awareness of a physical...
The ethereal mansion looms under the dusky sky Thunder crashes, lightning flashes Through the dul...
This book contains an abundant of practical and valuable information for the person interested in...
'In the midst of a pleasant cruise, Jayla, a freshman in college, is thrown overboard when the sh...