'The Diary of an Old Soul' is a collection of 366 daily Christian devotional poems by Scottish au...
Anacalypsis: An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic or an Inquiry into the Origin of Lan...
Generally considered as one of Shakespeare's best comedies, 'Much Ado About Nothing' is believed ...
'Oroonoko' by Aphra Behn is an important work of western literature. Published in 1688, it follow...
First published in 1869, 'An Old-Fashioned Girl' is the charming novel of a young country girl le...
First published in 1916, 'From the Deep Woods to Civilization' is the fascinating life account by...
First published in 1905, 'A Little Princess' is one of Frances Hodgson Burnett's most beloved sto...
Anton Chekhov, who is often credited with inventing the modern short story, wrote many volumes wo...
Charles A. Eastman, of Santee Sioux and Anglo-American heritage, was a passionate advocate for th...
Frederick Jackson Turner presented an essay at the World's Fair in Chicago in 1893 that would cha...
Born into poverty in San Francisco in 1876, Jack London is one of the most well-known and beloved...
Ben Jonson's career began in 1597 when he held a fixed engagement in the 'Admiral's Men', and alt...