A science-fiction detective mystery. Four world-renowned scientists, once working together, separ...
A science-fiction detective mystery, Hardcover Edition (softcover also available). Four world-ren...
A Young Detectives Mystery(TM) for junior teens. Softcover edition. Pen & Ink illustrations by th...
DESCRIPTION: A Young Detectives Mystery(TM) for junior teens. Hardcover edition. Pen & Ink illust...
Collectors 2016 Reprint of 1996 Revised Edition. Contains many fine Pen & Ink illustrations by th...
Softcover edition, also availabe in hardcover. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend. Th...
A fun collection of gruesome tales of mystery and the macabre in the style of Twilight Zone and H...
A fun collection of gruesome tales of mystery and the macabre in the style of Twilight Zone and H...
An awesome novel with awesome death scenes with fights, shootings, and vehicle scenes described s...