Having escaped one curse only to fall victim to another, the world is carrying on around Keira. B...
When Hazel is invited to teach a cooking class on magic imbibed macarons, the last thing she expe...
I've never known who I am or where I came from, and now that's going to change.The Shadow Associa...
When she arrived at Obscure Academy, Krissi promised herself she'd focus on her studies and cheer...
When coffee shop owner, Willow, receives a mysterious teapot from her best friend, her charmed li...
If I don't act soon, then Oscar is going to pay the price that should be mine.The more time passe...
Finding the family spell wasn't all Daphne wanted it to be.With side effects from her cat-shiftin...
Heartbroken and rejected, Daphne has to find a way to carry on if she wants to stay at Grimalkin ...
Can they heal each other's wounds, or will they live the rest of their lives alone?The only way f...
All curses start somewhere, and it's not always where you expect.With graduation approaching, Ron...
Can magic and science come together to catch a murderer?Cassie's world is turned upside down when...
Studying at Grimalkin has been Daphne's dream since she was a little girl.With her best friend un...