Eric Benton, an idealistic young Midwestern Peace Corps volunteer, could hardly have known that h...
The Greystoke Legacy Under Siege lifts the Tarzan series to ground-breaking heights with an adven...
Here are three tales of Tarzan at Point Station, a remote English outpost near the Waziri homelan...
In 2076 AD, Earth has been conquered and humanity brutally enslaved under the cruel tyranny of th...
Plunging into the Canadian wilderness to escape an overpowering grief, John Clayton, Lord Greysto...
Like fellow Earthman, Tangor from the story Beyond the Farthest Star, American OSS officer Thomas...
The burning wreck of a passenger jet with a missing cargo of gold and a desperate plea from a fri...
Book 3 of the Tarzan Series - Special Edition Authorized by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., Featuring...
Book 2 of the Tarzan Series - Special Edition Authorized by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., Featuring...
Book 1 of the Tarzan Series - Special Edition Authorized by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., Featuring...
Carson of Venus is back in the first novel of groundbreaking Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe series...
Carson of Venus is back in the first novel of groundbreaking Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe series...