Missing mages, rapacious pirates, deadly storms-and a pair of young adventurers stuck in the midd...
Ka'Deryn Ko'Ryna Kallatock, Shaman of the Doompelt Walker Clan, is many things: spiritual advisor...
War is coming to Eldros....Rhenn has been abducted to the continent of Daemanon by the mysterious...
Some treasures are better left buried.Godsblighted. That's what the villagers call her.Even with...
Piracy, mystery, and adventure await a pair of... brothers?Sundra Aruvar is a prince, young and p...
A legendary magical artifact offers power, but it has an agenda of its own.On Pyranon, the sons o...
Lovers of the Night Angel trilogy and The Ember Blade will enjoy this dastardly tale of torn loya...
Lovers of the Night Angel trilogy and the Ember Blade will enjoy this dastardly tale of torn loya...
Missing mages, rapacious pirates, deadly storms-and a pair of young adventurers stuck in the midd...