In this volume you find 'savage love,' 'savage art,' and 'savage laughter!'Tony Moffeit, PUEBLO B...
Brenton Booth (b.1978) lives in Sydney, Australia. He has worked as a wildlife park attendant, di...
'John Yamrus is a master of short form poetry. After reading this new collection of poems, I wasn...
If Rob Plath's critically acclaimed 300 page collection A Bellyful of Anarchy was the monster, an...
These poems are sincere and simple. They evoke the same feeling as reading a postcard or slowly f...
Ben Newell lays it down in clean, honest lines. Fuzzball is poetry as it was meant to be experien...
'BASH THE KEYS UNTIL THEY SCREAM is a goddamned bombshell. Each poem I dug in. Hooked. Like being...
'Todd Cirillo is the best American poet hammering out clean, honest lines. His newest book KISSES...
John Yamrus is a writer who shoots holes in everything he sees.
In RMA, his follow-up to his popular memoir, MEMORY LANE, John Yamrus returns to the streets and ...