The story of a 17th century Mohawk woman's interaction with her land, the Jesuits, and the religi...
Brings Integral Theory to addiction treatment, offering a more holistic vision of recovery and po...
A memoir about loss, restoration, and finding home on a lake in western New York.
An entertaining inside story of how Reuben Freed's roadside eatery became the famous Red Apple Rest.
Overturns traditional views of the origins of fairy tales and documents their actual origins and ...
Veteran labor journalist Richard Steier explores the tensions between New York City's public empl...
Winner of the 2017 Robert Cushman Memorial Award presented by the Three Village Historical Societ...
An exciting travel guide for Upstate New York road warriors, history lovers, and tourists.
Uncovers the significant social, literary, and political contributions of thirty-one notable wome...
Chronicles the history and archaeological study of Lake George, New York's sunken bateaux of 1758.
A memoir and selected writings by the former Chief Judge of New York's highest court, the Court o...
How the Pine Hills neighborhood in Albany, New York, changed and grew, as reflected in the histor...