Detective Inspector Mike Houston, investigating the kidnapping of a five year old girl, is soon f...
Sherman is a sweet, lighthearted little caterpillar with a big dream. Sherman dreams of flying. D...
I never imagined waking up to another world. A world that is evil and very strange. Where Angels ...
Throughout the ages, small children have scratched out a living working at difficult and dangerou...
Sherman is a sweet, lighthearted little caterpillar with a big dream. Sherman dreams of flying. D...
Who are they? What are they? How they communicate, and why Jahnets feels they are humanities dest...
Born From Fire and Walking ThroughBy, Charli.A collection of life experiences in poetic construct...
The author hopes to encourage readers to think about how words including viewpoints can affect re...
This book is a unique study into the coming New World Order, the prophesied coming war of Armaged...
Sanjo, Jack, and Frank are three ex-Navy buddies that reunite to compare notes and re-evaluate th...
This story involves history, prophecies, and the power behind a physical stone. This 'Stone' firs...
The Lavender Ribbon is a gentle tale of a grandfather and his granddaughter and their mutual disc...