The traumatised woman who dies of grief, the girl whose dream to become a doctor is thwarted, the...
An anthology of eight short stories, inspired by a project of the Uganda Women Writers' Associati...
Often it is the tragedies that befall us that bring out the best in us in terms of creative talen...
The author is a celebrated columnist, a former literature lecturer, and the founder of Uganda Wom...
The first short story anthology by Ugandan women includes twelve stories. They vividly illuminate...
A first collected works by a Ugandan woman poet, who has had her poems published in journals in U...
Written in the first person, this fictional biography tells the deeply moving story of a Ugandan ...
Words from a Granary is the second anthology of short stories by Ugandan women to be published by...
Female genital mutilation is the excruciating and damaging experience that Beyond the Dance a lot...
Written against the backdrop of the turbulent 1980s, Cassandra is a self-confident and ambitious ...
This compelling family saga tells of three generations of a Tutsi family. It begins with the arra...
Marina, a Rwandan child and her family experience the horror of the war in the 1990s. Her parents...