Running Away by Rebecca Guess Cantor follows a woman's journey from childhood into adult life thr...
In Chicken Fat, poet-historian Barbara Krasner reaches into her family history and pulls out visc...
Airplane Graveyard retraces the path that brought us here, and questions the way forward. These p...
In The Throes Of Beauty includes poems of place and what it is like growing up in Appalachia. Som...
Praised by US Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera as 'a monumental achievement', The Selfless Bliss...
Poems in Intimacy with the Wind by Carla Schwartz encapsulate a nomadic life living on a solar el...
Wife of a medical school student and mom to three young children, navigates marriage, motherhood,...
The Commuter's Confessions is the expression of the quiet and heart-pounding thoughts that accomp...
'Mixing magic and street smarts as easily as English and Spanish, Michelle Lizet Flores gifts us ...
Caraballo's words haunt us with their raw vulnerability and authenticity. She brings us into her ...