Ben's best friend is killed in an underwater implosion on a dying world. Living to die again, the...
While pursuing a knowledgeable, evasive target, Malkarai ends up in Cavington, a politically neut...
Katie Cathcart's gruesome murder in the remote Crazy Mountains of Montana points at an eccentric ...
A new suspense book from Jeremy Soldevilla. Ohio newlyweds Steve and Heather's plan for a romanti...
Aon, a solid core planet made from the priceless and most dense element in the galaxy, caladium, ...
'...A well-crafted resource for youngsters and anyone else interested in personal self-improvemen...
Writer Jack Quinn suspects the secretive, high-security, barbed-wire resort next door is connecte...
As our aging population increasingly moves into out of home situations, there is a need to bring ...
'The Filipino people were loyal, went without food so we could eat, and suffered torture and deat...
A Viking raid. A life in tatters. A young warrior's dangerous quest to shape his destiny.Frisia, ...
'…the author is a legend for all that she survived and held on to her faith thru it all. R...
Dearest Minnie is a strong narrative-driven creative history which brings to light a typical sail...