Debut novelist Soula Emmanuel tells the story of Phoebe Forde, an Irish trans woman living in Sca...
Joyce Carol Oates assembles an outstanding cast of authors - including Margaret Atwood, Raven Lei...
Two unlikely friends hatch an extraordinary scheme to expose the theater world in this wildly ent...
Linguist and writer Malwina Gudowska unpicks the myths surrounding multilingualism and the politi...
Erstverkaufstag: 27.02.2025
By weaponising liberal norms against liberal democracy, the populist right has found a way to exe...
Erstverkaufstag: 06.03.2025
Working in Europe, across enemy lines in occupied China and in Washington D.C., Betty, Zuzka, Jan...
Erstverkaufstag: 27.03.2025
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER 'Madness, though ostensibly the story of Crownsville, is really about t...
Erstverkaufstag: 06.03.2025
'An anthology to treasure and return to' ELINOR CLEGHORN'Uniquely compelling, dynamic and powerfu...