Prince was a spiritual and musical enigma who sought to transcend race and gender through his wor...
Noting that a traditional understanding of Paul as 'convert' from Judaism has fueled false and of...
Lutheran theologian and Nobel Peace Prize winner Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) sought to redefine...
Brandon R. Grafius examines the tale of Phineas as expressing the latent anxieties of the Israeli...
These essays provide a panoramic view of current thinking on biblical texts that play important r...
Core to Paul's gospel is the relationship between Israel and the Nations in light of the coming o...
In this book, Adele Reinhartz argues that the Gospel of John is a rhetorical work that aims to pe...
The subject of race and identity is a burning issue which continues to occupy the attention not o...
Bonhoeffer's New Beginning investigates the ethics of making new beginnings after devastating mor...
Prompted by the 2017 commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, international sch...
This volume of collected essays addresses the Fourth Gospel's stance toward Jews and its impact o...
Philo of Alexandria's Ethical Discourse: Living in the Power of Piety proposes a fresh approach t...