Detective Inspector Harry Charlton finds himself invited to a reunion at Mereworth School at whic...
Erstverkaufstag: 01.07.2025
On the eve of World War II, Lady Lupin Hastings, the young, totally scatterbrained but kindly wif...
Erstverkaufstag: 18.05.2025
It is 1980's Los Angeles. Alys, a wealthy young dilettante accepts the invitation of a stranger t...
Erstverkaufstag: 01.12.2024
In 1976 Farrar Strauss published the 5th novel by an American writer who had been gathering momen...
Erstverkaufstag: 01.12.2024
Towards the end of 1937, having just completed his South American Amazonas trilogy (The Land with...
Erstverkaufstag: 01.12.2024
Here is a delight: MacDonald Harris's colourful, fanciful, and moving Herma, the story of a willf...
Erstverkaufstag: 16.01.2025
When, in 1963, Anthony Burgess finally started work on the novel he had long planned to write, a ...
Erstverkaufstag: 16.01.2025
Paul Hussey, an antiques dealer from Sussex and his American wife Belinda have arrived in Leningr...
Erstverkaufstag: 19.05.2025
'I feel the net drawing in around me even closer and closer. Dufydd has appeared suddenly in Sout...
Erstverkaufstag: 16.05.2025
When a body is discovered at a stadium used by a college athletics squad, Darac cedes leadership ...
Erstverkaufstag: 09.07.2025
Alchemy is the leitmotif of this gripping novel, set against a richly authentic backdrop of 1840s...
Erstverkaufstag: 18.05.2025
Alistair Greenwood, Regius Professor of Modern History at Cambridge, hosts a luncheon at his faul...