One religion will never bring world peace or feed the children or care for the sick and dying. On...
In this day of situation ethics, moral permissiveness, conditional promises, and the like, absolu...
Learn more about Paul's ministry and message in one week than many Christians have learned in a l...
This book makes a detailed examination of various concepts related to both psychology and theolog...
Dr. Basil Jackson, a learned scholar of Irish roots, has gleaned the pages of sacred history and ...
Emphasizing that Christ's 'death defying act' can be confirmed through reading the scriptures, Dr...
This book is a therapy for the local congregation to treat the root of the problem that has produ...
In 'God and the Sexual Metaphor' Dr. Roy C. Price puts forth a compelling argument against sex as...
Dreaming in Verse: the lyrical art of Ted Kittell includes poems about SPIRIT, GRATITUDE, PRAYER,...
A strengths-based approach to change for Administrators, Teachers and Guidance Counselors, this S...
Dr. Somerville sounds an alarm to Christians.Will Christ Jesus find HIS FAITH on planet earth? ...