For centuries, a disreputable family extends the family line through kidnapping, brainwashing, an...
An elegant blind man finds self-esteem in a glass of obscure red wine. A cross dresser discovers ...
My book conveys a strong presentation of the various areas I frequented, hunting in, and tasted w...
My book conveys a strong presentation of the various areas I frequented, hunting in, and tasted w...
This is a playlet about the Israelites leaving Egypt and attaining freedom from slavery as viewed...
This is a playlet about the Israelites leaving Egypt and attaining freedom from slavery as viewed...
We learn in life the hard way. Have you ever been in a relationship where life seems to bring you...
My book tells you mainly what Neil Diamond told me, never give up. The proof of this is in The Bi...
We think love is somewhere out there and we have to go find it. Love has always been right beside...
Mystery and tragedy dangles on the horizon as Carmeli'ta' hangs onto life. Roberto' and Simone's ...
This recipe book was put together by Bernard A. Mayer as a suggestion for anyone who likes cookin...
'Some thoughts' is a book about environmental issues and personal stories with hand-made artwork.