1984. Miami. Enter the high-stakes world of South Florida's drug culture, where a businessman wit...
Kate Banner is a North American midwife helping flood victims in Nicaragua in the 1980s. When she...
In this stunning new literary thriller, a U.S. arms deal gone south takes you into the undergroun...
Her desperate decision during World War II changed everything. Now, 70 years later, her secret is...
What does it mean to be a novelist in the 21st century? How do you write a novel? What do you do...
Jon Sealy's The Merciful is a scathing morality play that explores a cast of small-town character...
A dead lawyer, a briefcase full of cash, and half a lifetime of keeping it a secret in the Holy C...
CHARLESTON, SC-Wyatt Brewer has a respectable life as a newspaper reporter in the Holy City. One ...