In Rogue Courier (book three of the Thomas York Series), the drama heightens for Thomas and Rache...
In an intense high speed chase in upstate New York, headlights of his criminal assailants pursue ...
A ten generation saga, from France to New France (Quebec), of courage and survival, and of French...
Set in Europe, The Frizon continues the fast pace from Under the Ashes, quickly entangling the pr...
Gabe Farrow, an American recruited as an investigator for the British museum, becomes an undercov...
A fast moving drama in Istanbul and at sea on the Mediterranean, with suspense and action on a lu...
Book four of the Thomas York Series brings Rachel and Thomas back to America from France, respond...
A warm and nostalgic period Christmas romance set in the sixties. Rosa Stanford, a single m...
Rosa Stanford, a single mother and clerk at Macy's glove counter in Manhattan, travels to Heidelb...
A fast-moving thriller in Paris. In a stark contrast from their idyllic lives on the charming cob...
An old fashioned whodunit, introducing the Inspector Furnace Mystery Series. In a charming Englis...
In a stark contrast from their idyllic lives on the charming streets of Montmartre, Rachel and Th...