The affection is manifested by small gestures of gentle caring or words that are very comforting,...
The book has six chapters. The first one introduces the history of Avalokite¿vara Bodhisattva in ...
The book, The Three Jewels and Five Precepts, was launched ten years ago (2007) with the second r...
Vào cüi n¿m 2017 Ni s¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng ¿ Hoa K¿ có nh¿ tôi ¿¿c, ch¿nh s¿a n¿u có nh¿ng l¿i chính t¿ c¿...
Nhìn chung thì ¿ây là m¿t quy¿n sách ¿áng ¿¿c, l¿i do m¿t Ni s¿ h¿c th¿c bình chú và quý ¿¿c gi¿ ...
This is a revised and enlarged edition of The Cycle of Life, which was first published eleven yea...
This is a revised and enlarged edition of S¿rn¿tha- The Cradle of Buddhism in an Archeological Vi...
During the time of my sojourn in India to pursue Ph.D. course of Buddhist Studies in the Universi...
The Vajracchedik¿ Prajñ¿ P¿ramit¿ S¿tra (the Diamond Cutter of Perfect Wisdom) is a Mah¿y¿na S¿tr...
Ngh¿ Thüt S¿ng là m¿t ¿¿ tài s¿ng ¿¿ng cho m¿i con ng¿¿i trên th¿ gi¿i này. ¿¿c Ph¿t ¿ã t¿ng d¿y ...
Chùa H¿¿ng Sen t¿ ch¿c m¿t cüc thi vi¿t v¿n b¿ng ti¿ng Vi¿t höc b¿ng ti¿ng Anh v¿ ¿ng d¿ng Ph¿t P...
Cün H¿¿NG ¿¿O TRONG ¿¿I 2022 và H¿¿NG PHÁP 2022 ¿úc k¿t nh¿ng sáng tác c¿a nh¿ng thí sinh trong c...