The title of this book reveals all: Jay Evans approaches science and life with clarity and optimi...
The title of this book reveals all: Jay Evans approaches science and life with clarity and optimi...
'A pound of honey on the breakfast table necessitates a total flight path equivalent to three orb...
Since varroa arrived in Europe and America in the 1980s, most beekeepers have found it necessary ...
The book offered to the reader's attention is the author's translation of a book published in Pol...
Simply keeping bees with the Golden Hive from MelliferaKeeping bees, because one loves nature or ...
Eric Guerin is a French biologist specialized in Asian native honey bee conservation and sustaina...
Vol IIIThe COLOSS BEEBOOK, Vol IIIStandard methods for Apis mellifera hive product research ¿...
Synopsis: This is the second instalment to the 'Meliponiculture and Beyond' Series. It covers the...
The Pollen Loads of the Honeybee by Dorothy Hodges, an artist and experienced beekeeper, was firs...
Title: Geometry and Colours of MeliponineBrood Cells - Part 1 Subtitle: Preliminary Emphasis on...
Describes the Etymology of every name ever used in Meliponine Taxonomy Worldwide. For enthusiast ...