The groundbreaking Parker books are adapted for the first time as a series of graphic novels by l...
'Originally published in My little pony micro-series #2 Rainbow Dash, My little pony micro-series...
Follow Sonic on electrifying adventures inspired by the classic 2-D games with stories from bests...
Get lost in the Planescape setting in this all new D&D miniseries! This chaotic plane hopping adv...
'Manehattan, here we come! Three fun tales of friendship in the big city! First, Applejack, Rarit...
'This wordless two-color graphic novel is an enthralling fable about disability, companionship, a...
The official graphic novel adaptation of the horror novel by Stephen King and Owen King provides ...
What terrible events destroyed his family and left New York a crumbling, post-apocalyptic nightma...
Erstverkaufstag: 30.09.2025
Erstverkaufstag: 25.02.2025
A treasure trove of unseen material from the King of Comics, whose impact continues to resonate w...
Erstverkaufstag: 04.03.2025
Presenting the ultimate guide to IDW’s TMNT comics universe!Spanning over 14 years and 250 issues...
Celebrate the charming and diverse artwork of IDW’s My Little Pony comic book series in this spec...