Self-Sacrifice to Save the Planet. The year is 2065. Following a freak encounter with a mysteriou...
Set in Crete, Cally's Way explores the relationships between sex and love and the historical horr...
From the inventive mind of author Carolyn Bishop, Meaningless Platter Dudes: Language Transformed...
It never should've happened: in the late 1980s, a case of mistaken identity turns into a successf...
A man, nameless, wakes up in Manhattan in a stranger's apartment with few memories of who he is. ...
Three-and-a-half-year-old Michael Murphy is a pain in the ass. He sure shouldn't be invited to an...
Mary Seacole: The Making of the Myth is the first book to challenge the popular misconceptions th...
There are numerous 'how to' books aimed at providing assistance to young people beginning their c...
At 18 years old, Victoria Nolan found out she was going blind. As her vision became more restrict...
This novel explores a year in the life of the main character - someone very similar to the author...
Tracking down missing persons is nothing new to Walter Osborne, but his latest case is different....
Real Dirt is a groundbreaking book for any reader interested in learning more about where food co...