Inspired by a newfound willingness to share his innermost emotions and thoughts with the world, D...
I want to introduce you to my third book of photographs, Farewell to Valparaiso, that describes m...
After two seasons as a moderately successful football coach at a small college, Jake Oats is hire...
Just a few years ago, you could see men showing chivalrous behavior towards women everywhere you ...
Many Pastors and Evangelicals avoid controversial topics. Pastors and Evangelicals are responsibl...
Scott Wilson, FBI, shows up in Suddenly, Montana, piloting a stealth-like helicopter named Delila...
Obamasaurus is a ¿ctional political satire relaunched with a new twist formerly published as the ...
Over time, everything changes. Politics, religion, and cultural institutions are founded, grow, a...
Obamasaurus is a ¿ctional political satire relaunched with a new twist formerly published as the ...
He envisaged something ground-breaking to take place, something with a full-scale re¿nery for car...
Simon may seem a bit strange after his beloved wife goes missing, but no one doubts he is the tou...
HOLDThe Enlightened teachers ancient and present have taught that we have been given the freedom ...