The Idries Shah Anthology is a special collection of previously published work by Idries Shah, an...
What is Sufism?The book follows the Sufi principle of 'scatter' in answering this unanswerable qu...
Small in size, but with a powerful punch, Idries Shah's Reflections is a collection of fables, ap...
What is Sufism?The book follows the Sufi principle of 'scatter' in answering this unanswerable qu...
In a darkened room a group of men once sought to examine an elephant. Taking hold of a different ...
In a darkened room a group of men once sought to examine an elephant. Taking hold of a different ...
Caravan of Dreams distills the essence of Eastern thought in a feast of stories, sayings, poems a...
Caravan of Dreams distills the essence of Eastern thought in a feast of stories, sayings, poems a...
Oriental Magic is recognized as a brilliant study of how, what and why people think, in territori...
A serious, yet entertaining, look at the impediments in current thought which prevent certain for...
First published in 1957, The Secret Lore of Magic contains within it a series of major source-boo...
'What was I?'A writer, a traveller - and an outlaw in a sense.'Idries Shah wrote this book before...