In this first book of The House of Niccolò series, the author of the Lymond Chronicles introduces...
In Wild Grass, Pulitzer Prize—winning journalist Ian Johnson tells the stories of three ordinary ...
Award-winning author Jennifer Egan brilliantly conjures a world from which escape is impossible a...
The Raj Quartet, Paul Scott's epic study of British India in its final years, has no equal. Tolst...
It has been said that Victor Hugo has a street named after him in virtually every town in France....
Translation of: Nous voulions tuer Hitler: le dernier survivant du complot du 20 juillet 1944.
A major work of American literature that powerfully portrays the anguish of being Black in a soci...
This acclaimed novel reveals the life of a Vietnamese family in America through the knowing eyes ...
Drawing on sources newly available since the collapse of the Soviet Union, historian and journali...
As in her former books, Alice Miller again focuses on facts. She is as determined as ever to cut ...
This book has been edited to correct the previous editions errors and to incorporate material tha...
This book is Montessori's own exposition of the theory behind her innovative educational techniqu...