With minute attention to historical detail, this beautifully written novel is at once a murder my...
In a life that began during World War II, this world has changed beyond recognition. But for Sand...
Scared of ghosts, Alison is a most unlikely medium. But her huge natural gifts for sensing the pr...
A collection of beautifully written, spiritual and inspiring poetry by an exciting new young auth...
Janine Wilbraham may live in a remote part of Wales but her prestigious reputation as a horse com...
Have you ever wondered where on earth your life is going?Are you trying to live a spiritual life ...
THERE IS SEx IN THIS BOOK, BUT NOT AS YOU KNOW IT...What's it all about, then?Life.Why does stuff...
The I Ching offers profound spiritual and practical advice but it is not easy for the beginner. L...
Indigo's life is going nowhere, she is in chaos, abused by others and in despair. Then dream mess...
From affirmation to meditation, chakra to karma, this is the complete guide to belief and practic...
There are times - especially when life is hard - when every one of us wonders what Heaven might b...
All too often we feel very small, as if our lives are insignificant compared to the vastness of t...