This book is an anthology of poems from 2012 - 2014. It includes poems from my website: thepoetic...
Justification without Conditions; or the Free Justification of a Sinner, Explained, Confirmed and...
Ksi¿¿ka ¿ Jak pokonä Podagr¿' to efekt walki i skutecznego pokonania choroby przez autork¿. Dwule...
'Understand that even with all the selfishness in the world, we will not be happy.' 'Even with ev...
A complete guide to building a chambered wood surfboard using cedar two by fours or similar stock...
This work holds the first place among monastic legislative codes, and was by far the most importa...
Le storie raccontate in questa raccolta hanno una gestazione lunga e vengono alla luce un po' all...
'Khnum-Ptah to Computer' presents a comparative analysis between a variety of concepts, customs, ...
Questo libro giunge quasi al termine di un lungo percorso di ricerca nel quale l'autore ha portat...
¿Was bringt das Internet künftig für unabhängige Verlage und Buchhandlungen ... noch kaum ausgere...
Un professore ebreo di Oxford e un informatico americano vengono coinvolti in un progetto per val...
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