Ebony Hunter has spent her entire life isolated on an island institution run by her father, Dr. D...
Ebony Hunter has spent her entire life isolated on an island institution run by her father, Dr. D...
Buy Genesis Dimension to watch an ordinary man battle multiple realities of evil today! from Kirk...
Buy Genesis Dimension to watch an ordinary man battle multiple realities of evil today! from Kirk...
Slavery. Oppression. Can one pacifist cross dimensions to right these wrongs without shedding blood?
A guilt-ridden hero. A multiverse in danger. An impossible choice…
Slavery. Oppression. Can one pacifist cross dimensions to right these wrongs without shedding blood?
A guilt-ridden hero. A multiverse in danger. An impossible choice…
A traumatic childhood led to a life burdened by a negative self-image. But what truths lie undisc...
A traumatic childhood led to a life burdened by a negative self-image. But what truths lie undisc...