An immigrant's tale of an untamed countryAlexander Gibson, my father, was a young Englishman who...
Blue Earth is a compelling novel of Minnesota, a land that guards its secrets. Carver Heinz loses...
Sweta Srivastava Vikram is a multi-genre writerliving in New York City. Her work has appearedor i...
Treachery Ignites an Otherworldly Battle Between Good and EvilCenturies have passed since the Cov...
A woman reveals her most intimate fantasy...a stolen secret which could lead to murder!A stra...
Here's your invitation to join a literary as well as a personal relationship with the deeply insi...
Everyone is gunning for the New GuyGabriel Sauers of Two Squad is a soldier, newly arrived in V...
The industry¿s most experienced veterans are ready to share their hard-won success secrets with y...
How to Write a Suicide Note examines the life of a Chinese Black woman who grew up passing forwhi...
Ride in the back of the ambulance with Sherry Jones MayoShare the innermost feelings of emerg...
Sweta Srivastava Vikram is an award-winning writer, poet, novelist, author, essayist, columnist, ...
'Sweta Vikram captures bold raw passion, poignant reality and crafts a powerful voice for the voi...