Upon the death of her father, San Francisco-based PI Sharon McCone discovers she's adopted and is...
Tales of crime and mayhem by such outstandng American mystery writers as Ellin, Hoch, Slesar, Smi...
Gathers sixteen hundred quotations by mystery writers from Peter Ackroyd to M.K. Wren, and briefl...
Lawrence Block, in Keller by a Nose,' asks what obsession holds more hazards than betting on the ...
Detroit private investigator Amos Walker returns to the streets to investigate the mysterious dea...
Lawrence Block, Simon Brett, Ken Bruen, Christopher Coake, Stephen Collins, Tom Franklin, Jonatha...
Cardigan, a private detective for the Cosmos Agency in St. Louis investigates Depression-era crimes
A luxury yacht sailing the calm waters of Lake Michigan is the stage for bloody death when a weal...
A collection of stories by noted private eye authors, this third anthology in the series contains...
Following a dangerous string of clues, Riskin finds himself in hot pursuit of a little-known Worl...
Jane Whitefield helps people disappear. Fearing for their lives, fleeing dangerous situations, he...