This is the gripping true story of 4 intense years in the life of a US Army Special Forces soldie...
In A Life in Nature the author describes the role nature has played in his life, explores the kin...
A Broken Propeller is the story of America's first transcontinental air race. Pilots in this dang...
Shakespeare wrote more plays about Italy than any other place in his own world. In this memoir, a...
This book recounts in detail the negotiations, internal and external struggles, and the outcome o...
A captivating lifetime of personal and professional experiences by an American historian, film sp...
This is a book on NATO and the Arabs. The author has been Deputy Secretary General of NATO from 2...
This well-researched work is built around the first diary written by Pvt. William J. McLean, 34th...
The Jesuit Saint Aloysius Church was built in 1859 on North Capitol Street in Washington, D.C.T...
The fundamental purpose of this book is to provide a practical and useful 'how to guide' for peop...
The Jesuit Saint Aloysius Church was built in 1859 on North Capitol Street in Washington, D.C.T...
The fundamental purpose of this book is to provide a practical and useful 'how to guide' for peop...