The 13 interrelated stories in Segal's deeply moving work concern the universal longing for frien...
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke reveals the powerful impact of one of fascism's most creative minds, Sav...
The third edition of this well-regarded introduction to Hinduism adds new material on the religio...
Yoga. Humanistic Psychology. Meditation. Holistic Healing. These practices are commonplace today....
Health in early America was generally good. The food was plentiful, the air and water were clean,...
Despite women's presence in migration streams since the mid-nineteenth century, research on Mexic...
An anthology of English translations of primary texts of the Quanzhen (Complete Perfection) schoo...
In this book, the author, a playwright and social critic explores the family, the first place whe...
'The photojournalist Misha Friedman is renowned for his efforts to capture life in contemporary R...